Unsolicited Comments:
"Thank you very much for sending along Keyboard Mania. I think
it is terrific. - H.O. - Chiaroscuro Records, Broadway, NY
"I must say that you have put a lot of work into this demo. I'm
really not used to see this kind of demo (and I get quite a few!). Very
professional! I appreciate your technique, touch and your way of building
your solos" -J.S. - Ayler Records, Sweden
"Just a note to tell you how much I enjoy listening to your solo
piano CD. It is really very interesting musically. It has a wide appeal.
I turn it on for background music while I am reading but I can't concentrate.
Something always grabs my attention and I turn the sound up and put
my work down and just listen" B.K. -Professional Musician, San
"There are things in it to admire. Much passion, drama. It's kind
of like clouds. At the moment it seems to be shaping up to something,
it changes to something else." - G.B. - Baltimore Composers Forum
"… And I am agog at your improvisational skills on Keyboard Mania.
I can only imagine all the hours & sweaty practice that you've logged
to be able to shift gears in tempo & mood so effortlessly".
- C.H. - Hopkins University
"You wild man! This is great stuff! I was struck by how certain
pieces were like internal mindscapes--they reminded me of certain auto-pilot
patterns my brain takes on in idle moments. I'm just amazed by what
I hear!" - C. H. - Hopkins University
"I've been listening to 'Famous Lost Words' and enjoying it very
much. I'm looking forward to the other discs" - J.L. Baltimore
"I've been listening to your CD - I absolutely love it! Damn good
work!" E.F. Baltimore, MD
"I loved the CD" - H.L. Baltimore, MD
"Many thanks. I received the CDs Friday and have been playing them
for a good part of the weekend. You Swing! I am enjoying them immensely."
- "It was a delightful journey as I followed your thoughts up,
down, and around a wonderful spectrum." - B.G. (baltimorejazz.com)
"Thanks sooo much for your cd's. They are awesome. 'Shiftsense'
is very interesting as you create some amazing soundscapes. 'A Glassful
of Doubt' is simply brilliant and a masterpiece. I love this cd and
it will be listened to a ton over the next 2-3 months ! - Zampi Productions